Posted by Dr Fro 10:44 AM
One more thought - why would anybody l(ike myself) willingly post strategy tips on the Internet for the guys he plays against the most to read? Why would I educate the very people I hope to beat?
I think it is safe to say that the type of person that reads through this is probably also reading poker books and other websites and is generally intersted in improving his game already. At a minimum, they spend time reflecting on the game and considering strategy. If you are reading Slansky's Holdem for Advance Players, then I seriously doubt that my amatuer advice is going to have much of an effect on your game.
The people who would benefit the most from reading this are the very people who don't. And it is because they have no desire to improve their game that they will always be losers. Yes, the occasional Friday night they will walk home with extra money bc the cards fell right. However, those nights are the outliers and more often than not, they will not win. They tend to think they already know everything there is to know, so why read anything to try to improve?
Random thoughts from a lawyer, an accountant, a commodities trader, an ex-Marine and a WSOP Main Event money finisher that don't know as much as they wish they did...