Posted by Dr Fro 5:26 PM
I TiVOed the entire season of WPT and have been catching up the past few weeks.
Vince Van Patten makes some obscure one-liners from time to time that just tear me up.
Example #1:
The hot chicks come out to dump the money on the table. One leans over and two enormous breastesses take up the entire TV screen, and Vince pipes in "Oooooo...Take me to your leader!"
Example #2:
Five players call the BB to see the flop. Mike Sexton says, "This will be fun. It is just like a home game with everybody calling preflop." Vince pipes in, "Oooooo...Pass me a pastrami sandwich and spill some drinks on the table!"
What a buffoon. A very, very funny buffoon sometimes though.