Posted by Johnnymac 9:26 PM
As I sit here watching the Astros tonight, I am compelled to exclaim to the world just how much it annoys the shit out of me that whenever the cubs come to Houston their goober fans come out of the woodwork and cheer for the visiting team almost as loudly as do the home fans for the Astros. STFU and move to the land of ice and snow and elevated railroads if you are so enamored with them, but your bandwagon cheering (even if they regularly fold like the laundry) tires me.
I am pretty sure that most people doing this cheering have likely never been north of Dallas, much less have any claim to be natural-born or otherwise legitimately connected fans, so if you are one of these fans, please take please your Waveland Avenue and shove it somewhere in the proximity of your Billy Goat's hindquarters, OK? I'm sick of hearing you cheer everytime an Astro grounds out to short.
Annoying....yes. Bandwagon....not really. The Cubs have probably the most loyal fans in sports, which is why they have such strong turn outs on the road. Go see them play anywhere, any year. There will be blue all over the stands. (I still hate them though.)
I do indeed believe that was my intended use of the term, although I will agree that the more accurate use of the term, "bandwagon," probably means cheering for a winner because he is a winner. That said, I still can't think of a better term for those people who, as you so accurately describe, root for the cubs because it's the cool thing to do.
Random thoughts from a lawyer, an accountant, a commodities trader, an ex-Marine and a WSOP Main Event money finisher that don't know as much as they wish they did...