Friday, April 29, 2005

Posted by Johnnymac 5:45 PM

Well, I've had to update the schedule. See below and email me if you want to play.


Good Afternoon Players -

It seems that a lot of you are good sons and daughters and don't want to play poker on Mothers Day! Good for you.

After having half of the field quit the May 8 game and having no new signups for that date in my inbox all day, I have decided to cancel the May 8 table and to reschedule the game to a different date.

I would like to play this Thursday night, May 5, and am soliciting interest from players to see if there is sufficient demand. If you want to play on that day, please send me an email ASAP. If there is not enough interest by this coming Monday afternoon, then I'll cancel again and we'll just try and find another day.

Also, with the exodus from Mothers Day, the May 18 game is now completely filled and a waitlist has begun. If you want to get onto the waitlist, please email me to discuss your chances of getting a seat and your last-minute availability on that date.

There are still plenty of seats available for June 1st and for the second table on June 4th, in addition to the new game that has just been announced.

For more information about the tournament, go to

good luck!


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Posted by Johnnymac 10:16 AM

As I suspected, Mothers Day has taken its toll and I've already lost two players from next Sunday's games and we're back down to only 5 guys confirmed. If I get any more cancellations I am probably going to consider cancelling and rescheduling for a different weekend date - maybe the Sunday two weeks later. I am definitely going to cancel if the table isn't filled by this time next week.

Poor planning on my part in picking that date last month when we were putting it together. Ask my mom - Mothers Day always sneaks up on me every year!

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Posted by Johnnymac 7:29 AM

This week's update went out this morning. I had a couple of guys have to cancel and/or reschedule because of Mothers Day, so we have gained a couple of empty spots relative to my update from a few days ago that's posted below. Remember that the final day will be run sequentially, so you can play both tables if you want.


-----Original Message-----
From: Johnnymac
Sent: Friday, April 29, 2005 5:44 AM
Subject: April 29, 2005 - It aint gambling - WSOP Super Satellite weekly update

Good Morning Players -

Just a quick note to remind you that the Tournament will resume next Sunday, May 8. There are currently three empty seats for that day, but before you sign up let me be a good son and point out that next Sunday is Mothers Day, in case you may have more pressing obligations than playing poker.

Avalable seats remaining in the tournament are as follows:

Sun May 8: 3
Wed May 18: 6
Wed June 1: 6
Sat June 4 (Table #1): 2
Sat June 4 (Table #2): 4

Please visit the website for more details: (click on the blinking WSOP banner). Each entry costs $120 and you may enter as many times as you care to play.

Note that next week we will be announcing the blind structure for the final table and releasing a couple more changes to the rules in light of some questions and situations that have arisen since the tournament started.

Email me if you have any questions or if you want to sign up.

Good Luck!


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Thursday, April 28, 2005

Posted by Dr Fro 10:06 PM
"Gambling impresario Steve Wynn has finally delivered. "

Perhaps most striking about Wynn Las Vegas is that the traditional casino layout has been scuttled. The casino is no longer centerstage, dominating a visitor's attention and wallet. Many of the high-end restaurants and upscale shops such as Louis Vuitton and a Ferrari-Maserati dealership can be reached without traversing the casino floor.

The most notable change in Vegas lately is how casinos no longer view rooms, restaurants, and other entertainment as loss leaders to get people in the casino. Rather, they are now very profitable (maybe similiarly profitable per square foot) as the casino itself. Rooms go for >$250, restaurants will get > $100 per couple and shows like the Blue Man Group will take $100 per person for a quick 1.5 hour show.

I think there are a few factors leading to this. First, for a while there, Vegas was considered a cheap vacation due to all the free and discounted stuff. If you had the discipline to avoid the tables and machines, Vegas lost money on you. It is kinda like when I go to EatZi's, load up on freebies and leave without buying anything. The other factor is the step changes in information technology that allow the casinos to track a wealth of information on players, which in turn allows them to only comp the players that earn it rather than effectively comping everyone through free/cheap stuff.

I like the new Vegas better.

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Posted by Johnnymac 12:42 PM
So Mrs Johnnymac is out of town on business until late tomorrow night and I have not just one, but two free nights to play poker. Having just one is rare these days for me, two in a row is the equivalent of flopping quad Aces in my life. Whoo-hoo!

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Wednesday, April 27, 2005

Posted by Dr Fro 9:49 AM
The biggest game in town is on. I am curious if Vegas will offer odds on the winner. I'd take Beal if I could get 2:1.

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Tuesday, April 26, 2005

Posted by Junelli 5:19 PM
I don't know if any of you saw this last night, but Channel 2 News did a report on last week's bust of the Friendship Social Club (aka Duece Trey).

You can watch the report on KPRC's webpage (I don't know how long it'll be up). Scroll down to the section entitled "Click 2 Video"

(3) comments

Posted by Johnnymac 7:35 AM
For a measly $500, you too can support breast cancer research, meet Phil Hellmuth, and participate in a friggin madhous- errrrrrrr, charity poker tournament and win one of four seats to the 2005 World Series. Right here in Houston. At Reliant Park. Seriously.

Mrs Johnnymac and I try and devote one day to charitable work every month, but unfortunately I don't think she would "buy in" to this one.

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Monday, April 25, 2005

Posted by Johnnymac 4:07 PM

I received three more WSOP entries over the weekend which pushed us down to less than 20 seats left in the entire tournament. I am sure there will still be some last minute cancellations and scrambles immediately preceding each of the remaining tournament dates, but for the most part the tournament is going to be completely filled up within the next couple of weeks. If you want to play and you haven't signed up yet, you are going to run out of time if you don't so it soon.

The next game on the schedule, May 8, has just one seat left. Email me if you want it.

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Posted by Morris 11:37 AM
In RE RE: Kim Hock post:

I had a few comments about this post that are too long for the comments section.

1) I like the smooth call preflop by Junell. His cards are irrelevent. Kim is a very tight, solid player. She could be raising with Aces, Kings, Queens or a combinantion of big cards. If she has 2 queens, she may give the pot up on the flop to the king.

2) I feel like Junell played the turn poorly. He states that the flop raise was to "find out where he was" or "get a free card." I think when she calls the raise, he should take his own advice and take the free card on the turn, unless its a card he can represent. When ever we are trying to bluff, we have to sell the other player on a hand that we are trying to represent. In this case, a raise on a Kxx flop tells our opponent that we have a King. Its not believable that we have two pair as there was a raise preflop and K, rag is not something our opponent would believe we possesed. A set is not really believable as most players would smoothcall on the flop, especially heads up. So basically Junell's raise on the flop say something like, "I have AK or KQ." When she calls on the flop, most players holding KQ will slow down on the turn unless they hit a key card.

3) Kim's bet of $15 into a $30 pot was perfect on the flop. If her opponent has a K, he is likely to think he has the best hand. The $15 smells like a feeler bet. However, when Mark raises, she has to lay the hammer. People forget that pocket aces, a fun as it sounds rolling off the tongue, can also be translated into "one pair." One pair is not a hand to trap with, one pair is not a hand to even see a turn with.

After that, I think both players played the hand well.

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Posted by Morris 11:14 AM

Here's a brief story about me getting what I deserved. Went to Lake Charles on Friday, got into a 5/5 NL game and was up a little. The 70 year old man to my right was lifting his cards up so high that I could see his hand everytime. I felt a little uncomfortable about it, but said nothing. At one point he raises the pot to $20 to go before the flop. He has queens. I have 8h9h and smooth call. The flop comes K 7 6, rainbow. The old man leads out with a $20 bet. He has about $250 behind. I raise all in, knowing he can't call his whole stack with the K on the board. WRONG. He calls, my straight misses and I'm busted.

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Sunday, April 24, 2005

Posted by Dr Fro 7:43 PM
In re: the Kim Hock post.

Junell made a very profitable move a couple weeks ago and posted it. I was wanting to pick it apart here. He starts by saying:
After an hour and a half, we were playing 5 handed, and Kim Hock was dealt AA in early position. She opened it up by raising preflop to $15. I smooth called her on the button with 97o, and it was heads up.

Clearly at this point, Kim played correctly, raising her aces. Junell played incorrectly by calling with garbage. Of course, if you have read my strategy posts, you will know that I recomend calling with complete garbage such as 97o rather than high-garbage such as J9. So if you want to mix up your play, I guess this is a good hand to do it with. If your aim is to baffle the table, you can be extremely successful by calling a big raise from the tightest player with 97o.
The flop was Kxx, and Kim led out for $15. I immediately raised her to $30 (hoping to find out where I was, and possibly get a free card). Kim hesitated for a second and then smooth called. For whatever reason, I sensed that she did not like my raise (although I would've loved it if I had been in her shoes). I didn't realize how strong she actually was.

Obviously Kim was right to bet. Mark could only fold or raise here. Calling would be very bad. I would fold. So he raised. The fact that Kim hesitated could either mean that she was considering a re-raise or considering a fold. Kim doesn't slow play much, so Mark was probably correct in assuming she didn't like the raise.

The turn is a blank, and she again checks to me. I immediately bet $40 to try and take down the pot. She hesitated for a long time, and then "reluctantly" called.

Mark raised the previous street, so you have to assume he will bet this street (and the next!). If Kim is planning on calling the raise (which she did) then she should go ahead and get her money in first. She checked and Mark called. I think that Kim should have either led out or folded, but the check-call was wrong (it almost always is).

The river is another King. She checks again, and I know that I have to represent this King, otherwise I have no chance to win the $170 pot. I quickly fire out an $85 bet (putting her all-in). She folds showing pocket Aces. I muck my garbage hand.

I think they both played correctly. Mark has represented a King the entire time and now there are 2 Kings! He may well have a boat. He probably has trips. She was right to fold. Because the right move was to fold, and because Mark knows that Kim will 99% make the right move, he bet. Smart move because it won the pot.

In summary, each player made a combination of bad and good moves. Mark's worst move was the preflop call, but each subsequent move was smarter than the previous one. He was very lucky to get that 2nd King because I suspect that Kim would have looked him up without that 2nd King. Kim played pre-flop, flop and the river correctly. But the turn was wrong. She should have decided on the turn if she was willing to go all the way with the aces, and if so, go ahead and lead the betting. Point #1: If you intend to call a bet and you are nearly certain your opponent will bet, go ahead and make the bet yourself. You may win the pot right there. At a minimum, you will stop your opponent from attacking you on every street.

I think another key piece of psychology here comes from Caro's Book of Tells. Kim made all bets/calls pre-flop with her winnings. At the river, she had her original buy in plus a small profit. In this situation, Caro suggests bluffing with a very big bet. Most players will choose to bag a winning session and avoid the risk of calling. I think Kim did. Point #2: Pay attention to where your players stand in relation to their buy in and use it to your advantage.

That's my $0.02...

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Saturday, April 23, 2005

Posted by Dr Fro 1:53 PM
Junior - is someone profiting off your genius again?

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Posted by Dr Fro 8:59 AM
I just found Bluff magazine. A lot of poker magazines come and go, with only Card Player surviving. The biggest problem is that the new magazines never really do anything to differentiate themselves. However, Bluff has a radio show. Although poker has been saturating the media lately, I think they found a part of the market without any other players (yet). The extent of my telecom savvy ends with 2 cans and a string, so I have an alarm clock radio with stuck on 1310 AM because the FM doesnt work anymore. But if you are more techno-savvy than I and have Sirius, you can hear the show:

Tune in every Wednesday 9PM EST on Sports Byline USA, Sirius Satellite Radio (122) or the American Forces Radio Network. The show will replay on Thursdays at 10AM EST.

At least they have Josh Arieh as a writer. That's a good PR move because everyone loves Josh. Like most people, I think he is a genuine donkey's butt, but I did enjoy his article...I guess Junell isn't the only guy with a friend named Woo.

The real reason I am pimping this magazine is that they had me ranked 10th in the world:

Of course, it is now updated through 4/11, and I have dropped off the list entirely! ;-)

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Friday, April 22, 2005

Posted by Junelli 2:40 PM
Paying Attention While Playing Helps You Learn To Read Hands Better.
This is tip #47 from the book "52 Tips for Hold 'Em."
I found this here.

To apply this tip, it doesn’t matter whether you are involved in the pot or not. You can really jump-start your game by closely following the play of hands when you are out of the pot. Not only will you develop a better handle on your opponents, but you will learn what sorts of hands tend to win in different situations.

What is the number one skill that allows the top poker players to be so successful? Is it their ability to sit patiently waiting for premium cards? Or is it their great success with timely bluffs? In reality, the top players are highly skilled in many areas, but what really sets them apart is their ability to read hands*. In most cases, this skill was probably not a God-given gift. Rather, it is the product of much hard work as they progressed up to the top of the poker food chain. These top players have an ability to focus whether in or out of a hand on how the pot is played out. After enough trials, they develop a sense of what sort of hand each player is likely to have. Simply by actively paying attention in the game, you can learn to read the hands of your opponents.

Here is a checklist of what you should be observing about your opponents while out of a hand:

Level of aggression:
What sorts of hands do your opponents bet, raise, or reraise with? For example, some players have no problem raising with just a flush draw, whereas others only call even after they have completed the flush. Also, do your opponents bet after the flop with just ace high, or do they need a pair to fire in a wager? How often do they bluff? Do they play much more aggressively when they are in late position? Do they raise preflop with two suited cards, or do they need a pair or big ace to raise?

How position affects their starting requirements:
Some players play only top-notch hands from early position. Others disregard the importance of position altogether. Learn how the play of each of your opponents is influenced by their position by observing how often they enter pots from various positions, as well as seeing what sorts of hands they turn over.

Who bluffs, and who doesn’t?
Learning this can help you save some bets on the river when a known non-bluffer bets. It also prevent you from making an ill-advised laydown against a chronic bluffer.

Who are the calling stations?
Observe which players refuse to be bluffed. Then, you can avoid trying to bet busted hands at them. However, you should be able to bet with a large number of marginal hands on the river for value against these players. Once you have identified a calling station, you can bet with hands as weak as second pair on the river, as you will be getting called by any pair or even ace high.

How liberally do your opponents defend their blind hands?
Some players automatically call a raise from the big blind position, reasoning that they are already halfway in. You can expect these players to show down a wide variety of hands. Others use more discretion, calling only with good hands.
This list can go on and on, as there are a number of things to look for. If you remember to watch the hand as it plays out, and recreate the betting after you see the hands turned up, you will begin to find patterns in the play of your opponents. Most hold’em players tend to play the same hands the same way time after time. Once you have identified some reliable tendencies or patterns, you can develop ways to exploit them for your benefit.

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Thursday, April 21, 2005

Posted by Johnnymac 10:58 PM

The WSOP satellite series continued tonight and we are now 50% through with the first round. Congratulations to Kirk Belch for his win tonight. Kirk built a big stack early and then ground his way to the win tonight, outlasting Raj Joshi and Matt Smith at the end.

Results of the table are as follows:

Table #5 (start time 04/21/05 7:06pm - 114 minutes)

1. Kirk Belch
2. Raj Joshi
3. Matt Smith
4. Doug Chamberlain
5. Mr G
6. Darrell Smith
7. Tony Ford
8. Parker Binion
9. David Denenburg
10. Lee Willeford

Now that we have squeezed in 5 games in 8 days, the tournament will be taking a small break for the next two weeks. The next tournament date is scheduled for the afternoon of Sunday, May 8. Seats for all of the remaining tournament dates are filling up quickly, so if you want to play, send me an email soon.

Many thanks to everyone so far who has played in the tournament, and thanks especially to those of you who have spread the word to communities and interested parties outside of this blog. The tournament is turning into quite an event!

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Posted by Junelli 11:48 AM
How I bluffed Kim Hock into laying down pocket Aces...

On the night of our first satellites, we started up a small cash game after a few of us were busted out of the tournament. It was $1-$2 NL. I (along with 2 other people) bought in for $100, and there were 3 people who bought in for less.

I was the captain of the table from the start. I was constantly raising and playing very aggressive and had built up a nice little profit of approx $175.

After an hour and a half, we were playing 5 handed, and Kim Hock was dealt AA in early position. She opened it up by raising preflop to $15. I smooth called her on the button with 97o, and it was heads up.

The flop was Kxx, and Kim led out for $15. I immediately raised her to $30 (hoping to find out where I was, and possibly get a free card). Kim hesitated for a second and then smooth called. For whatever reason, I sensed that she did not like my raise (although I would've loved it if I had been in her shoes). I didn't realize how strong she actually was.

The turn is a blank, and she again checks to me. I immediately bet $40 to try and take down the pot. She hesitated for a long time, and then "reluctantly" called.

The river is another King. She checks again, and I know that I have to represent this King, otherwise I have no chance to win the $170 pot. I quickly fire out an $85 bet (putting her all-in). She folds showing pocket Aces. I muck my garbage hand.

I didn't show my bluff because I felt bad about it, and I knew it would put her on tilt for weeks (I certainly would be). Sorry Kim. :)

Side Note - If it was against Morris, I would've flipped my cards up and gone into full-blown "Tony G" mode. "I'll DESTROY YOU!! I'M GOING TO GET ALL YOUR CHIPS! I'M GOING TO RIP YOUR HEART OUT!! I WON THAT HAND BECAUSE I HAVE A "HEART"!! I would've then danced a jig around the table...

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Wednesday, April 20, 2005

Posted by Johnnymac 7:49 AM

The weekly email update went out last night and I will go ahead and post it here. If you are interested in playing in the tournament or if you want to get added to the email distribution, send me an email.


Good Afternoon Players -

We are now one week into the tournament and four seats at the final table have been claimed! Winners of first round tables held to date are:

Table #1: Thad Davis
Table #2: Michael Padilla
Table #3: Kevin Swantkowski
Table #4: John Tugwell

Remaining seats in the tournament are as follows:

Date seats remaining
Thur Apr 21 0
Sun May 8 7
Wed May 18 7
Wed Jun 1 7
Sat June 4 (table 1) 2
Sat June 4 (table 2) 5

Remember that you may pre-register for as many first round tables as you please, including both tables on the final saturday of the tournament. The final day's tables will be run sequentially and will not overlap.

Each entry to the tournament costs $120 and if you care to skip ahead to the Final Table you may pay $1200 and buy a seat directly.

Note that as of this writing, the game scheduled for thursday night is full. Nonetheless, if you would like to be on the waiting list or if you want to be available in case of a last minute cancellation (not quite the same thing, I think), please contact me with your phone number and I will add you to the list.

Complete tournament rules and updates can be found at the website:

Please contact me if you have any questions and I hope to see all of you at a poker the table in the near future.

Good Luck!


(13) comments

Monday, April 18, 2005

Posted by Junelli 5:32 PM
Here is an official request from the District Attorney in Ector County (Odessa) to the Texas Attorney General asking for an opinion on the legality of poker tournaments in bars. The AG has not yet issued a response.

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Posted by Junelli 2:40 PM
From the mailbag...

To: Junelli
From: Parker Binion
Date: 4/18/05
Subject: Trip Report - Southern Poker Classic

Hey gang. Hope all is well. Rather lengthy poker trip report follows, if you have any interest.

Drove down to Mississippi last Sunday for a series of small to medium no limit hold'em tournaments, called the "Southern Poker Classic." The events were held at the Grand properties in Biloxi and Gulfport, about 13 miles apart.

The "Southern Poker Classic" schedule was as follows:

Tues-Weds: Event 1 - $500+40
Weds: Event 2 - $200+20
Thurs-Fri: Event 3 - $500+40
Fri: Event 4 - $200+20
Sat-Sun: Event 5 - $1000+60

Basically, the $200 events were for the people who busted out on Day 1 of the $500 events. Because of the way the tournaments were staggered, the maximum number of tournaments you could cash was three.

On Monday, I decided to play in a couple of satellites and the Gulfport Grand's weekly $20 rebuy tournament (not part of the "Southern Poker Classic"). There
were 100 players in the field, and after all the rebuys and add ons, there was $7300 in the pool. Made the final table, and finished 2nd, winning $1168.

Then I played a satellite for the $500 event. Cost $65 to enter, plus another $5 as a dealer toke for which you got T500 more chips. 10 players to a table, and all the winner got was a seat worth $540. So $700 to win $540 is not much of a deal. I busted 4th when my QQ lost to KK in the big blind.

I decided I would play one more satellite, this time for the $1000 event. Cost $125 + $5 for dealer toke, so $1300 from 10 players to win $1060. Again, that's too much vig, but I was fortunate enough to win the seat into the main event.

Monday was a good day.

Tuesday, I paid my way into the $500 Event 1. There were 233 entrants. Everyone got T5000 in chips, and bought T500 more for a $5 dealer toke. Levels lasted 45 minutes, and started at 25-50 blinds. Level 4 was 100-200, and level 5 was 100-200 with a 25 ante. So there was plenty of time to work your chips.

I started at Biloxi with half the field, and the other half started at Gulfport. I built my chips up to 12000 by the 4th level, but then lost most of them in the small blind to the big blind when I had K6, he had K7 and the flop comes K76. Down to 1800 chips UTG with 100-200 blinds, I go all in with 99 and get called and beat by TT. A promising start de-railed.

Wednesday, I paid to play in the $200 event at Gulfport. This event is limited to 200 players, and there was a waiting list. 27 alternates got in as people busted out in the first hour. Blinds went up much quicker in this event, and levels only lasted 30 minutes. I was card dead all day, but played until level 5 before busting out. Only 2 pocket pairs in 2.5 hours (99 and 33), and the biggest Ace I saw was
A9 offsuit. Never had a chance.

Thursday, I paid to play in the $500 Event 3. Back to 45 minute levels. 222 entrants, and again, half the field started at each property. I started at Biloxi.
In the first level, I get AA and raise in early position. 5 players see the flop - 555. I decide to trap someone who flopped a boat with a smaller pocket pair. Sure enough, a guy in late position takes the lead. I call him on the flop, turn and river. He had JJ, but spiked a J on the river to beat my 555AA with JJJ55. Had I gone all in, I am sure he would have called, and I would have been out. I am down to 2000 chips (started with 5500).

>From that point on, I could do little wrong. Finished Day 1 with T111,600, and was chip leader going into Day 2, with 40 players left, and 20 spots paid. Unfortunately, I don't win any pot on Day 2 that I have to show down. I lose races as a small favorite, a small dog, and I certainly didn't suck out on anyone. Pretty card dead day, but I nurse it to the final table. UTG at the final table with blinds 5-10K but about to go up, antes 1K, and a stack of 50K, I pick up KJ suited and go all in. Get called by AJ in the BB, and bust 10th winning $2220.

Here are the results from Card Player's website

On to Saturday's $1000 main event. 232 entrants, 45 minute levels, and T7000 + T500 dealer toke in starting chips. I get assigned to Gulfport with half the field.
At my first table, I draw Dick Sturman, who finished 5th in Event 1, Tim O'Connor, who finished 4th in Event 3, and Jeff Hecht, who finished 9th in Event 1. Tough table, but I flopped a set of Kings on the second hand, and never looked back, building my stack to T50,000 by the 5th level. In level 10, after losing a race with AK to QQ, I trippled up in the big blind when the button limped with KJ, the SB called with diamonds, and I had K4. Flop comes KK4 2 diamonds. I finish Day 1 with T110,100 in 2nd place, with 40 players left and 20 spots paid.

Day 2 is fun and nerve-racking. We get to the bubble, and I have several interesting hands. I raise UTG with JJ, and get called by the button. Flop comes Ten high. I check, button goes all in with AT, and I call and double up. A few hands later, a tight player named Alan Hunter with half my stack goes all in UTG.
I have 99. I feel like I would be in a race, and I did not want to race for half my stack on the bubble (I would be very short if I lost, and the blinds were
coming). I fold and the chip leader calls him with A9. Sure enough, UTG had AQ and won the hand when no A, Q or 9 hit. My read was right, but I would have won the race.

A few hands later, another player UTG named Rufus Yates goes all in for about half my stack. I am UTG+1, and pick up TT. This time, I get the feeling I am ahead, so I raise all in to get heads up. Sure enough, he turns over A7. Another correct read, but of course, and Ace flops and I lose.

I steal a few blinds, and we finally make the money. From there, I take out a couple of short stacks, and we whittle down. When we make the final table, I am
about 5th.

I pick up KK in early position when Mark Wild has the big blind. Wild has been very agressive. I decide to limp, hoping someone raises me. Everyone folds, and Wild checks. I flop a set of Kings, and Wild bets out. I smooth call. Unfortunately, the turn is another King, and that freezes him, and I can't get any more chips out of him. I turn over the quads, and get applause from the railbirds.

We get down to 6 players when Rufus Yates makes 2 consecutive errors that wind up costing me several thousand dollars. Terry Moore is short stacked UTG and goes all in not even having enough for the small blind. Yates raises UTG+1 with 99!!! The correct play is to call, get several callers, check it down, and make the short stack beat everyone. Yates' raise drives everyone out. Yates flops a set of 9s, but the board comes runner runner, and there is a 9 high straight on the board. The chip leader had a T, and would have called and checked it down and knocked Moore out.

Next hand, Moore is all in in the BB. Yates is UTG and raises again!! Yates has AJ, and drives everyone out. Moore has Q2, and flops a 2 and wins. Once again, chip leader would have called, checked it down, and would have knocked Moore out.

A round later, I have AQ suited in mid position, and go all in. Moore is in the SB and calls with K9. I have him covered by T25K (10-20 blinds), flop and turn help no one, but Moore spikes a K on the river to cripple me. Moore should have been out, and now he rivers me. Thanks for nothing, Rufus.

I get AQ again the next hand, and go all in UTG+1. Chip leader has AA, and I go out in 6th place, winning $13,920.

Here are the results from CardPlayer.

Oh by the way, Alan Hunter won the main event. Remember him? He's the short stack that went all in UTG on the bubble with AQ that my 99 would have beaten if I called. C'est la vie.

As it turns out, I was one of 7 players to cash in 2 events in the Southern Poker Classic, and the only player to make 2 final tables. Throw in the 2nd place finish in the $20 rebuy and the satellite win, and it was a helluva fun week.

May all your rivers be kind.


(1) comments

Posted by Junelli 1:03 PM
Sometimes you just have to gamble...

Last Thursday night I played $1-$2 NL at Northside. I started out pretty strong, but took a few hits after about the 2nd hour of play. I found myself down about $400 against a table of the worst poker players I've ever played with. Don't get me wrong, there was one or two that could hold their own, but the rest were complete fish, who were making mistake after mistake.

It was a juicy game too. Pre-flop all-ins were not uncommon, and one particular idiot moved all-in for $255 under the gun! He scooped the $3 pot with pride. Anyway, on to my tough decisions.

With about $300 in front of me (and stuck about $400), I was dealt AKo. Before I even get a chance to act, the idiot in seat 1 moves all-in for $230. I hem and haw for a few minutes before laying down the best hand. The idiot in seat 8 calls with A4! Hahahaha. Seat 1 turns over AQs. My AK would've held up and I miss out on a possible triple up.

Less than one hour later, I'm dealt AKs. However this time I have much more chips (~$700) and am running pretty good. The idiot in seat 8 (the one who called the all-in with A4), moves all-in preflop for about $300. I decide I'm sick of being pushed out with these kind of hands, and there's a very good chance I have him beat right now. Deciding to gamble, I call. He turns over 10-2. My AK holds up and I win $300.

At one point I was stuck $600, but I made a nice comeback and finished the night up $250.

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Sunday, April 17, 2005

Posted by Dr Fro 4:24 PM
No more Tilt.

I am on the short list that started to warm up to the show. Oh well, at least we still have Desperate Housewives!

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Saturday, April 16, 2005

Posted by Johnnymac 5:18 PM

Day #2 of the tournament is complete and four seats at the Final Table are now filled. Congratulations to John Tugwell for outlasting a field of players that included three other guys named John and 6 other very strong players. John registered late on Thursday night and once he got into the tournament he made the best of the opportunity.

This particular table went fast - we had barely started Level 5 when the tournament ended after just barely more than an hour of play. On the final hand, Matt Fuqua looked down and saw AA. Matt limped and saw the flop which had two hearts, which was good since he had the Ace of hearts. He knew he had the best of it and that he had better stop messing around, so he moved all-in, but John had two hearts and his chip lead was so signficant at that point it was cheap for him to call with his Queen-Five. When the Ten of hearts came on the turn and the river was blank, the day's action was over. Congratulations to John and a very hearty thank you to all of the players. Thanks especially to Hunter Cameron who rushed over at the last minute to grab a vacant seat and fill out the tournament.

Results of today's action are as follows:

Table #4 (start time 04/16/05 2:37pm - 77 minutes)

1. John Tugwell
2. Matt Fuqua
3. Rick Daly
4. Brady Hunt
5. John Schilling
6. Hunter Cameron
7. John Snell Robertson
8. Johnny Mac
9. Brian Hucke
10. Charles Dunshie

(incidentally, like Matt, Charles lost with AA after having the best of it when he made his all-in move. Unfortunately it was apparently an unlucky day for Aces!)

The next game in the tournament is this Thursday, April 21. We will be starting at 7:00pm and will be playing at a location in Bellaire. There are still two seats available - please email me if you want to play.

One final thought - I have received some inquiries from more than one participant about the possibility of just buying out a first round table and paying $1200 for a seat at the Final Table. This is in fact allowed under the rules and I am pretty sure that at least one person will end up doing it. If and when this happens, I will have to eliminate a scheduled first round date. I am not sure which one will be eliminated first, but I would at least encourage you to consider playing sooner rather than later so that you won't get shut out of the tournament completely. I will give ample notice in this circumstance, but your first notice is right now.

One day that is likely not to be eliminated is the two back-to-back tables scheduled for June 4. That will be the last day before the Final Table and the last chance to win a spot. That weekend is shaping up to be quite exciting. I have even received word from two different pairs of people who will be coming from out of town to play that day because they can stay the night in case they make the final table and with two tables being offered both have an equal chance to qualify for the finals.

Thanks for all of the interest so far, players. Word is growing and the tournament's success is looking more and more likely!

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Friday, April 15, 2005

Posted by Johnnymac 7:48 PM
The game tomorrow is filled now. Sort of.

A friend of mine has generously offered to play if he is needed, but he was really waiting to play on another day when another of his buddies is registered. So if you are reading this late on Friday night or early on Saturday morning, here is an open invitation to show up and play at the last minute. The seat will be available on a first-come first-served basis.

If you have my phone number, call me first to let me know and if you don't have my phone number, send me email if you can or just go ahead and show up. (I'm not comfortable posting my phone number on the internet these days)

So let's do this.

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Posted by Johnnymac 7:22 PM
I just started, and finished, a SnG at Pokerstars. Beginning on the fifth hand, I was dealt 4 pocket pairs in a row: QQ, 99, 55, and JJ.

On the first three, I won three small pots without seeing the flop. On the fourth hand, as I have lately had a very hard time with pocket Jacks, I considered folding, even though I was on the button and there were only three limpers in front of me. Similarly, since I had won three hands in a row without showing my cards, I also thought it was highly likely that at least one of the other players would choose to see all five streets with nothing but overcards, and thus I would either need a set of jacks or for there to be no overcards to be dealt on the board. Considering all of this, I decided to play it cautiously like I would a small pair and only limp and hope to flop a set. The small blind folded and the button simply checked.

The flop was K 2 J rainbow. Holy shit.

The big blind underbet the pot, everyone else folded, and I raised by the size of the pot. Based on his bet, I was certain he had a pience of the flop, probably a king, and that he was not going to let me win another pot uncontested. This, in turn, was a very profitable situation for me. I was loving it.

He reraised me. Beautiful! I figured him for AK or maybe even KJ and he not going anywhere. I was going to get all of his chips with this one.

Even though I had won 3 of the first seven hands of the tournament, he had won a larger pot right at the beginning and still had me covered by T100. I raised him all in.

He showed his cards: KK (!) Holy. Shit.

I obviously didn't catch my case jack and I was out of the tournament.

So, to run down:

The odds of being dealt three pocket pairs in a row: 0.02%
The odds of being dealt four in a row: 0.001%
The odds of being dealt a pocket pair of Jacks and then flopping a set: 0.01%
The odds of another player being dealt a higher pair and also flopping a set: 0.00005%
The odds of all of this happening on four hands in a row: 0.000000000001%

I love this game!

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Posted by Dr Fro 12:36 PM

***** Hand History for Game 1895158079 *****
$50 NL Hold'em - Thursday, April 14, 19:25:08 EDT 2005
Table Table 37248 (Real Money)
Seat 6 is the button
Total number of players : 10
Seat 2: MadDog_13 ( $131.85 )
Seat 3: jdb4_4 ( $40.25 )
Seat 4: dcroberts ( $57.45 )
Seat 9: pI0l232IOlp ( $55.7 )
Seat 7: phreaux ( $44.3 )
Seat 6: clayen ( $35.65 )
Seat 1: Cardbert911 ( $29.3 )
Seat 8: Limper_ ( $46 )
Seat 5: Nereid ( $22.25 )
Seat 10: hwpark ( $64.7 )
phreaux posts small blind [$0.25].
Limper_ posts big blind [$0.5].
** Dealing down cards **
Dealt to phreaux [ 7c 6c ] I like middle suited connectors, especially on the button, SB, BB and love them with many limpers. See Super System
pI0l232IOlp folds.
hwpark calls [$0.5].
Cardbert911 folds.
MadDog_13 folds.
jdb4_4 folds.
dcroberts folds.
Nereid folds.
clayen folds.
phreaux calls [$0.25]. I told myself that I wanted at least 2 limpers, but oh well, it's 25c
Limper_ raises [$0.5].

** Dealing Flop ** [ 6d, 5d, 2c ]
phreaux bets [$1]. you bet! Top pair on such a ragged board, I might win this thing right here. With 2-3 players from the SB, I will lead out everytime I see a ragged board.
Limper_ raises [$2].
hwpark folds.
phreaux calls [$1]. His raise could mean just about anything, and for $1 into a $4.50 pot, I'll pay for another card
** Dealing Turn ** [ 8c ]
phreaux bets [$2]. I likie that 8c. Now I have a flush draw (probably the only one with a flush draw) for 9 outs, plus a straight draw for an additional 6 outs, plus 2 other 6's for trips = 17 outs. But I may have best hand here if he is playing with overs.
Limper_ raises [$4].
phreaux calls [$2]. I am sensing a pattern here with his raises and it doesn't make sense. If he has a big hand, why is he giving me pot odds? If he has a bad hand, surely he can't expect to run me off with such a small bet.
** Dealing River ** [ Kc ]
phreaux checks. You bet I check, and I will explain this below.
Limper_ bets [$20].
phreaux is all-In [$37.3]
Limper_ calls [$17.3].
Limper_ shows [ Kd, Ad ] a pair of kings.
phreaux shows [ 7c, 6c ] a flush, king high.
phreaux wins $86.6 from the main pot with a flush, king high.

So why did I check? Well here are the possible scenarios and appropriate strategy:

1. All along he had a somewhat made hand with a draw possiblity. Example: Ac6c. Here he flops top pair, top kicker, with an outside chance at a flush. The way he bet the turn (and to a lesser extent, the way he bet the flop) would evidence this possibility. I am dead meat if he has this hand and I bet. I will get raised and be faced with a difficult decision. Of course if I check and he bets, I am in a very similiar situation, albeit for less money

2. He has crap and checks. I am out nothing by checking because he folds if I bet.

3. He has crap and bluffs. Now I just made money, assuming that he folds if I bet.

4. (what really happened) He held a king. I scare him off with a bet and the flush showing. By checking, I induce the bet and make money. Fortunately, he bet enough that he was really forced to call all-in to my raise.

So under scenarios 2-4, I am much better off by checking. Under scenario 1, I am slightly better off by checking.

Conclusion, although the pre-flop call was not brilliant (5:1 pot odds on suited connectors is ok from another position, but not from the SB), I think I played the river perfectly. What do you think?

(2) comments

Posted by Johnnymac 8:30 AM

We are still hurting for two more players in tomorrow's game. The location will be at my house (Heights area) and we will start at 2:00. If you want to play, send me an email.

(1) comments

Posted by Johnnymac 7:30 AM
Man, this is funny. I know the NFL is successful because the NFL understands the importance of merchandising and brand marketing, but still, it would have been great to have seen a few of them out in the streets. And who's to say that someone else might not buy a blank jersey and customize it on his own?

I love photoshop.

UPDATE: These guys can't sell jerseys either, and I think I heard on the radio last night that they are Bucs fans?

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Thursday, April 14, 2005

Posted by Junelli 8:50 AM
Yesterday the Legislative Budget Board submitted this analysis to the House Ways & Means Committee. Hearings were held on HB9 yesterday (the big bill that establishes the Texas Gaming Commission and would allow casinos).

It seems the estimated two-year net impact to General Revenue Related Funds is $97,188,000.00. In 5 years, the state's General Revenue Fund would receive over $717,000,000.00!

You can read about it here.

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Posted by Johnnymac 8:06 AM

So we got the first night off and three people now have seats at the Final Table in June. Congratulations to Thad Davis, Michael Padilla, and Kevin Swantkowski.

Kevin was actually the chip leader at the very first table and got overtaken by Thad at the end when they got heads up. I think he was a little bit red-faced about this so he resolved to play in the Second Chance game and ended up victorious after a heads up battle with Darryl Plaisance. Michael, on the other hand, stayed ahead of the blinds the whole time and managed to outlast Rick Daly in the end.

Results of the tables are as follows:

Table #1 (start time 04/13/05 7:15pm - 83 minutes)

1. Thad Davis
2. Kevin Swantkowsi
3. Juan Miranda
4. Mr G
5. Bryan Lane
6. Darren Preston
7. Junell
8. Kim Hock
9. Todd Graham (aka the "River Chief")
10. Michael Pinion

Table #2 (start time 04/13/05 7:15pm - 111 minutes)

1. Michael Padilla
2. Rick Daly
3. Hugh Ramsey
4. Charles Dunshie
5. Bill Dickson
6. Beau Ryan
7. Michael Robertson
8. Sal Garcia
9. Michael Marx
10. Hunter Cameron

Table #3 (start time 04/13/05 9:22pm - 128 minutes)

1. Kevin Swantkowski
2. Darryl Plaisance
3. Sal Garcia
4. Michael Wilson
5. Michael Marx
6. Mr G
7. Chris Morris
8. Todd Glazer
9. Delphina Espinoza
10. Beau Ryan

You will notice that each table lasted longer than the previous one. This is funny because after the fast blind structure caught up with some people during the first two tables, everyone was talking about how they "won't make the same mistake again" and were going to play faster when they took another shot. Instead, at the last table we ended up going three-handed into the next to last blind level and heads up into the final blind level where both blinds made up almost half of the chips on the whole table!

Well, keep in mind that if you can survive the fast blinds in the first round, the Final Table promises to be a lot slower. Whereas it might take a little luck to get to the second round, it's going to take a lot more patient poker skill to get to Vegas.

There are still plenty of seats for all of the remaining tournament dates. This Saturday, April 16, and next Thursday, April 21, are filling up fast, but as of right now, 0935 CDT on Thursday morning, there is still room if you want to sign up and take a shot. All of the dates are still open and if you can't make it this month there will still be more games in both May and June. Click on the blinking logo on the right to go to the main page and to get the information for signing up.

Finally, a quick 'thank you' to everyone who was patient at the beginning last night - I was running late and wasn't quite ready to start right at 7:00, but thanks to some key help from some people counting and bagging chips and setting up chairs we still managed to get started only 15 minutes later than we had planned. Also, thanks to Junell for opening up his home. Getting three tables out of the way makes it easier to schedule future dates which is going to go a long way towards keeping Mrs Johnny Mac happy.

That's all for now - good luck and keep trying!

UPDATE: Here are a couple more pictures from last night.

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Wednesday, April 13, 2005

Posted by Dr Fro 6:26 PM
I found a great database of players.

In it, I saw Junell's frind Jimmy Chan. I scrolled through to UK players and found one guy, Stephen, I played with all the time in Aberdeen. Stephen was the other one that was banned from the Casino. I also saw Evan who I played with even more often. Evan got his name in CardPlayer once, but they mispelled it. That would suck.

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Posted by Dr Fro 6:07 PM
Somehow we at IAG missed Doyle's response to Andy Beal.

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Posted by Dr Fro 1:19 PM
Thanks to Adam for this:

There is a good article on about players wearing sponsorhip logos on TV. I think all parties are in the right here and there will be some struggle over time with some sort of compromise in the end.

Seeing how important the logo industry is to, say, golf and NASCAR, I think it will inevitably be allowed. Why would Phil Ivey play in a tournament that doesn't allow him to wear a logo if he can go somewhere else and get enough money from FullTiltPoker to more than cover his buy in?

The first step will be non-poker related logos. The example given in the article was for a bourbon. In time, I think they will look like NASCAR cars with online poker site logos from head to toe.

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Posted by Johnnymac 12:28 PM

Well today is the big day for the start of the tournament series. We have discussed and made a few changes to the rules. We are also going to tweak the blind schedule for the final table so that it last longer, but otherwise we are good to go.

If you would like to play, please send me an email and we'll get you signed up. If you want more info, click on the blinking logo on the right of the page.

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Tuesday, April 12, 2005

Posted by Dr Fro 8:20 AM
Raise, call, busted...

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Monday, April 11, 2005

Posted by Dr Fro 10:09 PM
It was just pointed out to me that a few of my links were busted and at least one took you to a site that would make your PC freeze. Odd. I think I fixed it, let me know if you have any trouble. Apologies.

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Posted by Dr Fro 8:27 PM
I'm going out of my skull. Can't just shut down now. Got to keep on movin'.

There has been many a mention here re: must-move tables lately and I got a question at work today regarding what that means. If you haven't spent much or any time in a cardroom, then it probably won't be intuitively obvious what we are talking about. If you know how they work then you can scroll down to the "How does this effect the game?"

What is a must move table?
Let's say there is only one table ("Table A") spreading a given game (Holdem) at the same limit ($2-$4 limit). Then the waiting list gets > 10 and the manager decides to open up another table, "Table B". Again the waiting list is too long and there are empty tables, so they open up Table C. Every time a player leaves Table B, he is replaced by a player from Table C, and it should be the guy that has been at Table C the longest. If a guy leaves Table A, then he is replaced by the guy from Table B who has been playing the longest, who in turn is replaced by the guy from Table C who has been playing the longest. Table A is also referred to as the Main Table or the Main Game and all other tables are called Must-Move Tables.

Why do they do this?
One thing that is constant in the poker universe is the fact that octogenarian regulars would rather listen to rap music and quit smoking than have to move tables if they have been there the longest. And since they don't have day jobs, they have always been there the longest. Evidently switching tables is the cruelest form of torture they can imagine. The less cynical side of me will say it is a fairly equitable way of maintaining at least one table that stays pretty constant at the small expense of some disarray, traffic and confusion at the other tables. It isn't the best system, but it works. Mike Caro wrote an article once with a proposal for a better method. The old locals had him buried alive in the desert.

How does this effect the game?
I said in my first Vegas post, "In the main game, the stacks were bigger, action was bigger pre-flop and the skill was generally higher. (Remember this)," but I never elaborated. Let me do so now.

The following factors are typically true of the main game:
1) Stacks are bigger
2) Players are better (or else they would have busted out already)
3) Players are more aggressive. This is simply the result of the transitive property (aggressive = good, main table = good players, thus main table = aggressive) I guess this makes 1 & 2 a bit redundant, but stay with me...

In good table selection, what you generally look for is:
1) Short stacked opponents
2) Bad players
3) Cheap, weak, loose pre-flop action

Compare these two lists and tell me if you think playing in the main game is a good idea. There are many many reasons to cash out your $1,000, go get a burger, get on the waiting list, and hop back into the must-move game for $200. The reasons above should be justification enough. However, there is also an added bonus of being able to cash out a profit. Now you have to get busted 5 times to lose $1,000. Staying at the main game, you can get busted in one hand. There was a hand that I played that I think illustrates another reason to leave:

I had about $900 in front of me. Cheesehead blind straddles (raises 1x the BB without looking at his hand). I am two seats to the left and do my standard 3x the straddle raise with KQo. I always do this with any 2 cards > 9. There is a good chance that I will only be up against BB or Cheesehead in blind straddle. Not only are their starting hand requirements low (since they get to play for a "discount") but I also have position on them. I get two callers and there is $125 in the pot.

Flop comes Jxx. BB bets $25 and I think he is full of it. After all, who bets 20% of the pot from starting position? Anyway, I put $150 more into the pot and the small blind folds. Cheesehead thinks for a bit and then re-raises me another $300. Crap.

I need to call $300 into a $775 pot with nothing but overs. Maybe I shouldn't have gone for the steal but I am in real trouble now. This guy and I have been playing for about 12 hours together and a) he likes to steal and b) he has seen me tuck my tail in between my legs when faced with big bets before. It is very possible that he is on a steal. But the problem is that if I call, I am left with $385 and it would be pretty much impossible to avoid getting all my chips in eventually. I really have 2 options a) semi-bluff and put all my money in or b) fold. Calling was not an option. I eventually tossed out Option A since I couldn't imagine this guy running away. Anyway, with the rags he played all night, he just might have flopped two pair. I made the best of a bad situation and folded. He told me he was on a steal. I don't know if he lied.

Now replay that hand with me only having $215 in front of me to start. Everything plays out the same, my $150 raise puts me all in and the BB folds. Now, Cheesehead can only fold or call. If his hand sucks, he has no choice but to fold. I win. If his hand is good, (say he holds the power J6 that Jimmy Chan loves), he calls. But even then, I get to see two free cards to my over cards. I have 6 outs, which is a 25% shot of winning. Not great, but not bad. And if I lose, I only lose $215. Compare that to the first (actual) situation where I ended up with a 0% here and lost $215. It seems pretty obvious that this hand is a perfect example of where you don't want to be big stacked.

Now of course there are other hands where you love being big stacked. Like flopping the nuts and the second biggest stack betting into you on every street. How many times in your life have you been in this situation? Few. But how many times have you felt like the walls were caving in on you and there were no good options - like the hand I found myself in? Probably quite a few.

So, while there are huge benefits to being the chip leader in a tournament, the benefits are a bit more marginal in a medium stakes ring game. The benefits of being short stacked (relatively speaking) can be great, especially if you aren't a world class player. But even if I can't convince you of the benefits from a chip stack perspective, you have to agree that the fish in the must-move game that lose their entire bankroll in 3o minutes should be reason enough to get up and get back in line.

Junell figured this out a few months ago in Louisiana. I had learned it vicariously, but got caught up in the impressiveness of my stack forgot the advice. The next day, Junell and I were swapping stories and he reminded me of his sage advice. He walked me through the benefits of cashing out and starting over and it all made sense again. Trust me, I won't forget next time.

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Posted by Junelli 5:35 PM
This Wednesday, beginning at 10:30am, the House Ways & Means Committee will be holding a public hearing on House Bill 9, HJR 4, and HJR 94. This will be an open hearing with testimony on the creation of the Texas Gaming Commission and the future of gambling in Texas.

HB 9 Caption:
Relating to authorizing the operation of video lottery games on behalf of this state; the creation, powers, and duties of the Texas Gaming and Boxing Commission; the powers and duties of the Texas Lottery Commission, the Texas Racing Commission, and the Texas Commission of Licensing and Regulation, and the regulation of gaming in this state; appropriating money; providing penalties.

You may be able to access a live audio feed here, but I'm not sure. I've never been on there before, and I don't know if the subcomittee hearing will be broadcast live.

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Posted by Junelli 11:18 AM
This is part 2 of my Vegas post.

After our marathon gambling session the night before, Morris and I got some much needed sleep. Unfortunately, it didn’t last long. I was so geeked up to be in Vegas for my bachelor party, that I only slept for 4 hours before popping out of bed ready to go. I woke Morris and we decided to catch a cab to visit the Gambler’s General Store. I wanted to see their collection of poker chips and tables.

The store was pretty cool, wasn’t overly impressive. I had seen most of the chips before, and the tables were outrageously priced. We made the mistake of letting the cab leave, so afterwards we hiked about 12 blocks downtown to Binion’s.

The NL game at Binion’s was very soft and Morris and I took command of the table pretty quick. Interesting note: While we were there they were filming a poker movie called “Lucky You” starring Robert Duvall, Drew Barrymore and Debra Messing. The cameras were all filming a poker table in the adjacent room, but we couldn’t really see what was going on.

We also ran into Charles and Judy (former owners of the Top Hat). They’re now living in Vegas and playing poker for a living. Judy told me that the Top Hat grossed about $15,000-$20,000 per month. Sick.

Morris and I each booked a small profit at the Binion’s game, and then headed back to the Bellagio to meet the guys who had just flown in. Morris sat down at the $2-$5 NL table, but I decided to try to play in the big $10-$20 NL game. At this point I was up nearly $1,400 playing poker and I wanted to let it ride and see if I could make something happen. I bought in for $1,000 and played very tight for a couple of hours. When I was moved to the Main Game I had about $1,400 in chips and felt pretty good with my play up to this point. However, I knew the Main Game would be different as the chip stacks were enormous. Most players had between $5,000-$10,000 and one or two had over $20,000. Nearly all of these players were professionals and it was clear that in order to win, I was going to have to get some cards. I sat down hoping to get a little lucky.

I didn’t get many cards, but I did get a lot of drinks (which played a big part in my loss at the table). I played very tight (only played 5 hands in 2 hours). At one point I was down about $400, and I reloaded an additional $500. I was extremely cold and never really mixed it up with anyone. After 4 hours, I had seen only one river card, and I was both drunk and bored. Recipe for disaster at this table.

With approx. $1,000 in chips in front of me, I called $60 preflop with 77 on the button. Jimmy Chan (very seasoned professional) was first to act. He had about $15,000 in front of him. The flop was 9TJ, giving me an underpair with a gutshot to the sucker end of the straight. The pot was approx $240. Chan led out with a bet of $100. The other two players folded to me, and I must’ve lost my mind because every rational player in the world would’ve folded in this situation. I knew I was behind, and might’ve even been drawing dead (to a KQ). Even my gutshot probably wasn’t good. However, I was drunk and didn’t think about any of these things. I put him on top pair, and thought he might be willing to lay it down it if I raised him. My table image was tight and passive and I thought they might respect my raise. Also, I was frustrated that I kept getting pushed out of pots by raises. I had made many lay downs that may have been winners. And did I mention that I was drunk and bored?

Anyway, I moved all in for $960 more, making it $1,060 to go. This move violated my cardinal rule that I swore I would live by in Vegas: “DON’T MOVE ALL-IN UNLESS YOU HAVE THE STONE COLD NUTS!!” I had repeated this to myself several times over the weekend, and had generally been following it fairly well, until now. I had just pushed all my chips in on a stone cold bluff.

Jimmy Chan went into the tank for about 60 seconds. He asked me, “Do you have a Jack?” I didn’t respond and stared right back at him with my sunglasses on. The 60 seconds seemed like 4 hours. I was in agony and immediately knew the error of my play. I just prayed that he would fold so that I could start playing correctly again.

He called with J6 (with a flush draw) and took down the pot. So much for trying to outplay the pros.

(6) comments

Posted by Morris 7:48 AM
Vegas Poker

Here are a few comments I can make about the poker in Vegas.

1) I was extrememly surprised at how much softer the Vegas games are compared to Houston card rooms. The difference is night and day. I played over 36 hours of poker and can remember getting check-raised maybe 6 times.

2) Game selection: This is an aspect of poker I haven't had much experience with. When I'm in Houston and want to play, I have a choice of about 4 games, all about equal in skill level. Obviously much different in LV. Prime example:
a) Wednesday night, 2/5 NL at Bellagio $600 profit
b) Wednesday night, 1/2 NL at MGM $500 profit
c) Thursday afternoon 1/2 NL at Binions $300 profit
d) Thursday evening 2/5 NL at Mirage $88 profit
e) Thurday Night 2/5 NL at Palms $1,200 LOSS
f) Friday Morning $260 satelite, won a seat to the big dance.
g) Friday afternoon, Bellagio Tournament, Busted early.
h) Friday Midnight, $100 NL Tournament at Plaza, 5th place, $440
I) Saturday Night, 2/5 NL at Bellagio, $300 profit.

The moment I sat down at the Palms, I knew I was the worst player at the table. Furthermore, it was late, everyone at the table had several thousand in front of them and I was drunk. The thought occured as I was getting crushed at the game that there was no reason for me to be there. I knew with certainty that I could beat the game at the MGM. I also knew that I had a good chance at the Bellagio. However, I knew that to win in the Palms game it was going to be a function of how good my cards ran. I was simply outmatched. (*side note- Returned to Houston profitless after a 3 minute blackjack run that was unreal. Dealer hit 5 consecutive 21s, each time showing a 6 or lower for her up card. During this run, Harris and I were playing the whole table at $100 per hand. I was playing 3 spots and he was playing 4. You can imagine what the house took from us combined.)

3) Tournaments vs Ring games: Junell and I have discussed the observation that tournaments are exhausting. We agree that the reason for this is that every single hand has to be analyzed and thought through from multiple angles. ie how good are my cards, where am I in position, if I limp in will the rest of the field let me, can I steal the blinds from here, is that asshole stealing my blind, etc etc. How much more success could we have if we played that way in ordianary small stakes cash games?

4) Made a Royal Flush at the MGM, bet it, got a caller and then got raised. I simply smooth called the raise, because the pot was small and I wanted to be able to turn it over!

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Sunday, April 10, 2005

Posted by Dr Fro 1:41 PM
There were some miscellaneous Vegas thoughts I had that did not make it into the original post.

Poker players lie?
1. I love checking out what people wear in Vegas. The people-watching there is unlike any place I have ever been. First place goes to the guy sitting across from me at the main table with the T-shirt that read "I lie to girls." I asked if that T-shirt helps him any, and he said "not really."

Big hat, no cattle
2. There was a guy that sat next to me at one point with a very expensive suit on. He was a nice guy but he looked like and somewhat acted like Todd Wallace, the uber-gambler at U.T. from 1991-1995. This guy was not a very good card player and it was clear that he approached the game as gambler, playing any 2 cards, constantly raising the pot, always trying to buy his way out of busted draws, etc. Since he was sitting to my right, this whole situation was quite opportune. It seemed that everyone got a piece of this guy except for me. Eventually he won several pots and built a stack that rivaled mine. Shortly thereafter, we got tangled up in a hand in which he had no business being and I took all of his money. I watched him go to the wallet that had already produced 6 x $200 buy-ins to find a couple twenties and some singles. He was tapped out. We chatted for a bit and he told me how he lost his job several months ago and how he had no luck in finding one. So, he decided to take his chances and build up a bankroll at the poker table in Vegas. Without going into the ridiculousness of his plan or how he fully made the bed he was about to sleep in, I have to tell you that for the first time in my life, I really felt sorry for a guy I just beat. Trust me, there was no BS to his story. He was waaaaay too concerned with his image to say these thing if they weren't true. So, I felt like a jerk for my earlier salivating over his stack, wanting it for myself, when I was the one that could afford to lose. It was an unfamiliar feeling for me. Don't get me wrong, I didn't exactly give him a refund or anything - I just felt bad...while I stacked his chips on top of mine

Or perhaps you don't want to see the second largest ball of twine on the face of the earth, which is only four short hours away?
3. Morris bought a Bellagio hat. It's bright blue and says "Bellagio" quite conspicuously across the front. The hat is not necessarily obnoxious, but when he wore it with a polo that was the exact same color, he screamed "tourist". I bet that the hat alone was worth over $1,000 worth of calls that day. Seeing as how Morris did better than any of us, I think I should get a hat like that.

All of us have bad luck and good luck. The man who persists through the bad luck -- who keeps right on going -- is the man who is there when the good luck comes -- and is ready to receive it.
4. I figured it must have been my lucky day when the first two hands I was dealt at the main table on Friday night were AA and AA. The odds of the first hand being AA is 1 in 221. For the 1st 2 hands to be AA is 1 in 48,841. However, I should have known that luck was not on my side on Saturday. I woke up and got down to the sports book 1 minute after tip off of the Illini game. I got up from the poker game to bet on the late game and it was 30 seconds past tip off. I was going to bet on Illinois and NC. I would have won $200.

And Junell is Carol's illiterate son...
5. I worked on my chip tricks while at the table. I mastered the thumb flip. I can do front-to-back, as well as back-to-front and can use either hand. When I mastered the left hand, I told my poker compadres "I'm amphibious." They didn't catch the joke and asked if I meant "ambidextrous". I also did some variations on the thumb flip, including using 8 chips and flipping 3 over 5. I did the somewhat easier switch, too. I found that the coolest is to mix up the switch and flip. By "master" I mean I could do it, but I didn't necessarily look smooth. What I never mastered (although one nice man at our table tried to help me) was the twirl.

And unrelated to poker:

And Moab, he lay us upon the band of the Canaanites, and yea, though the Hindus speak of karma, I implore you: give her a break.
1. This morning at church we sat next to Jason Sehorn and Angie Harmon. They seemed very excited to see me and Mrs Dr Fro.

Four more years! Four more years!
2. Jane and I celebrated our 4 year anniversary this weekend. She's still the best bet I ever made.

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Saturday, April 09, 2005

Posted by Dr Fro 9:34 PM
Anybody familiar with this? There was an insert in Harrington's book on it, and I didn't know if it was worth checking out.

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Friday, April 08, 2005

Posted by Dr Fro 12:14 PM
From the mailbag

From: mom
To: Dr Dro
Sent: Sunday, April 03, 2005 1:34 PM
Subject: The Poker Game
The Poker GameTwo couples were playing poker one evening. John accidentally dropped some cards on the floor. When he bent down under the table to pick themup, he noticed Bill's wife Sue wasn't wearing any underwear under herdress! Shocked by this, John upon trying to sit back up again, hit his head onthe table and emerged red-faced.

Later, John went to the kitchen to get some refreshments. Bill's wife followed and asked, "Did you see anything that you liked under there?"Surprised by her boldness, John courageously admitted that, wellindeed he did. She said, " Well, you can have it but it will cost you $500."

After taking a minute or two to assess the financial and moral costs of this offer, John confirms that he is interested. She tells him that since herhusband Bill works Friday afternoons and John doesn't, John should beat her house around 2 p.m. Friday afternoon. When Friday rolled around, John showed up at Bill's house at 2 p.m. sharpand after paying Sue the agreed sum of $500 they went to the bedroomand closed their transaction, as agreed. John quickly dressed and left.
As usual, Bill came home from work at 6 p.m. and upon entering the house,asked his wife abruptly. "Did John come by the house this afternoon?"With a lump in her throat Sue answered "Why yes, he did stop by for afew minutes this afternoon."Her heart nearly skipped a beat when her husband curtly asked, "Anddid he give you $500?"In terror she assumed that somehow he had found out and after mustering herbest poker face, replied, "Well, yes, in fact he did give me $500."Bill, with a satisfied look on his face, surprised his wife by saying,"Good, I was hoping he did. John came by the office this morning andborrowed $500 from me. He promised me he'd stop by our house this afternoon on his way home and pay me back."Now
THAT, my friends, is a poker player!

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Thursday, April 07, 2005

Posted by Johnnymac 12:29 PM

There was a small error in yesterday's email. You do not have to pay your entry fee to receive an invitation - I will send your invitation as soon as I receive your entry form (or email). You can pay when you show up. Sorry for any confusion.

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Wednesday, April 06, 2005

Posted by Dr Fro 10:15 PM
Three Days

I had one of my toughest months of work ever, which ended at 4:25pm Thursday when the project completed. That was good timing, because I needed to leave the office at 4:30 to catch my flight. I changed in my office, ran out the door and headed to Vegas. I read most of Harrington's book on the plane and loved it. With the layover, it was 9:30 by the time I got to the Bellagio. I dropped my stuff off and set out to find my friends. I decided on the plane ride that there would be no poker on Friday night. 1) I was too tired to play well and 2) I wanted to catch up with my friends. Unfortunately, I knew that would mean playing blackjack.

I called John and he, Glaze and Wilson were playing $25 blackjack. Great. We played and got beat up pretty bad as a group. I didn't care that much because I was the smallest loser of the 4 of us and I had a good time talking with the guys. We don't see Ferruzzo often, so I try to maximize time with him while I can. I manage to be the smallest loser my betting only the minimum and drinking less than they did. So, when they left, I did the only smart thing - I pounded a few beers and bet $100 hands. Once I lost, I just went to bed. There was no point in dumping my hard earned poker bankroll on this game.

Lesson learned: Dont throw good money after bad

"Never wonder..."

I woke up early on Friday and after a quick bite with Ferruzzo, I went to the Alladin for $1-$2 NL $100 buy-in. This was always part of my plan. After much time away from the game, I needed to ease in. Also, while improbably, the $2-$5 Bellagio game could have depleted my funds, which would have been very bad before the big tournament. I played for 6.5 hours. I played for 65 minutes before I won my first hand (bet out AT with flopof Txx and won the pot). The play at the Alladin is horrible. Horrible. I won $65 in 6.5 hours without getting any good cards at all. I just managed to read they players like the open books they were and bully them out of pots when I read fear. At one point the table broke up because the 1st ever Friday noon $110 Freezeout started. While that was a mild annoyance, the good part is that our table filled up with the first players knocked out of the tournament - the very players you want at your table. I got my cookie at 3:30 (love those Alladin cookies) and cashed out.

Lesson learned: Alladin is full of fish. And the cookies are good.

"True hunting is over. "

Bigger fish to fry. I had an hour to kill before the big tournament. I went to the room to have some me time. I freshened up, made some poker promises and generally relaxed. I felt pretty pumped when I left the room, but to say the truth, I also started to feel the gravity of it all. Perhaps it was the BJ loss combined with the lack of serious winnings at the Alladin, but for the first time I considered bailing. However, 50% of my entry was paid by others and they were wanting me to play. I got there a little early, shot the sh1t with Junell, Morris and Camp - all of which were playing as well. There were app 152 entries, so they were going to pay out 13 places. Walking into the Fontana Room was pretty awesome - the view out the window, the onlookers from the Fontana Bar, the giant flat screens with tournament updates, and the sea of green felt. Paradise. I spotted Eric Lindgren, who recently made a splash on the WPT.

The Director told us that our $1060 bought us 3,000TCs and that blinds would be 25-50, doubling every 40 minutes. I sat down at table 40, seat 5 and crapped in my pants when I looked at my new best friends. One guy I recognized from TV was to my left and the rest looked like they were ready to eat me alive. Everytime I came into a pot, they would raise me - everytime. They smelled fear and knew that I would not be willing to risk my stack without the nuts. TV guy was knocked out quickly and I felt lucky to have 2/3 of my chips when they made us move. The next table had a bunch of goofy tourists that weren't very good. Two guys seemed decent enough, but there was some bad play going on. I sat there until 6:30, 1.5 hours after I crapped in my pants and got dealt 55. I had 1,000TCs left, was on the button, had one limper and knew I needed to something fast (blinds were 100-200). I went all in and got called by limper with A9. Not bad, close to a coin toss, but I slightly had the best of it. He got a 9 on the flop and that was that. I joined Morris and Junell on the rail and threw a quick little pity party.

Lesson learned: scared money is easily lost. Don't play at limits you aren't comfortable with.

"Shadows of the morning light the shadows of the evening sun till the shadows and the light were one... "

The party didnt last long and Ferruzzo took me to a video poker machine where he won $5,500 (it should be noted that he also lost $5,000 gross on BJ so far). Since the machine "couldn't lose" I invested $50 and lost it. Not a very luck trip so far. People were headed to eat, but after that tournament, eating was the last thing on my mind. I had a lot of hands to win to get back that entry fee, so I got a seat in the $2-$5 NL $200 buyin.

They put me at the same table as Morris and Ashley. On the very first hand, I got JT and called to see the flop with a lot of people. When the flop came JT2, I made a big bet which scared off everybody except one guy who raised all-in and had me covered. Now, the thought occurred to me that he just might have 22, but given what I had invested in the pot and given how many times I have seen a re-raise here with hands like AA, KK, QQ, AJ, I figured I would call him. He had 22. Back in the pocket for another $200. That must-move table broke pretty quickly and I ended up at another table where I promptly got my stack up to about $500 when they moved me to the main game.

In the main game, the stacks were bigger, action was bigger pre-flop and the skill was generally higher. (Remember this). We spotted Evelyn Ng a few tables over, which was very nice. I also got the word the Camp just got knocked out of the tournament in 28th place. Well done, Camp. My stack dwindled to about $300 when I got KT vs K2 and a flop of KT2. I won a $630 pot and was very happy. At some point later, a turned a nut flush and a guy bet into me with the Q high flush. When it was all said and done, all my chips were in the middle of the table, forming part of a pile of $1,120 which I won. Now the thing that I remember most about this hand was that I was absolutely trembling when I raked in my chips. This is unlike me. I remain extremely calm during these pots because quite honestly, I have quite a stomach for risk. Futhermore, since I had the nuts, there really was no risk. I think the trembling was just a real release of emotion that was like "I have been getting kicked around and I am finally getting my due" It was nice. I ran the stack up to just over $1,400, which was very nice. It stayed at that level for a long time and now it was quite late. The new players in the game were now young drunk idiots, which made me change my mind about cashing in. What an opportunity to have - a table full of drunks with short stacks! Well, they beat me up. I think the worst of it was one hand where I made an all in bet with top pair top kicker to get called by a chick with nothing. Nothing. I bet like 2x the pot and she called all in with nothing. She took part of my stack and then I decided that I really needed to start drinking. That was really smart because I then pissed away my stack.

Lesson learned: Dont drink and play poker

"Without game, men prey on each other."

I switched tables and bought another $200, which I ran up to $500. My stack stayed around that level for many hours and Patrick McAndrew and I had a blast. We were pretty delirious from our lack of sleep. The buzz had worn off and I was playing well. Even though I was playing well, it was really stupid to continue playing. All the fish had busted out and I was left at a table full of rocks. But we were having a ball and the whole table was laughing at our stupid jokes, such as my belting out "what is wrong with you people? it is light outside and you're still playing cards! get a life!" Boredom gave way to screwdrivers and my stack got knocked down. The killer hand was one where I felt certain I was being bluffed, but I just couldnt muster the strenght to re-raise all in (my only hope with my sorry hand) Staring at $150, I told Patrick it was time for bed.

Lesson learned: don't drink and play poker

"I am proud man anyway... "

That ended 25 hours of poker. My friends were just gettin on with their day and I was just ending mine. Had I gone to be when they did, I would have been a wealthier man

Lesson learned: my friends are wusses.

"My head, it landed. To the sounds of cricket bows... "

After a 2 hour power nap, I hit the tables again. I played for another 6 hours and pretty much broke even. Then it was time for dinner. Junell made it clear that there was exactly one expectation of us - go to Champsteak at MGM at 9:00 on Saturday. I left the Bellagio at 8:30 and walked to the MGM. I walked past the poker room and can confirm Junell's post that the room is pretty dang cool. I got to the hostess at Chapsteak to find out the reservations were cancelled. I called Ferruzzo and he confirmed this, but told me "We are at the Palm...dude I am so drunk....come to the Palm....cough cough...." I took the monorail to the Flamingo, walked to Ceasar's Forum shops, got to the Palm restaurant and couldn't find them. I called John. After 5 minutes of trying to communicate with an intoxicated Ferruzzo (which is as easy as trying to speak to a deaf mute retarded person from Mars), I ascertain that they went to the Palms Casino, not the Palm restaurant. They were leaving in 15 minutes. I gave up. I went home, had a glass of Cab with Glaze and tucked in.

Lesson learned: I was a sucker to think for a second that something so difficult as a dinner could have been pulled off with 20+ drunk dudes in Vegas

"Covered now by three days... "

I wasn't planing on playing Sunday, but I was checked out of the room and had 2 hours to kill. I was up about $300, mainly from another nut flush when they moved me to the main game. I lost most of my profit, picked up my chips and headed to the airport.

Unfortunately, the airport was a circus and when I got through security, there was about 15 minutes to go. I made the decision to get some french fries, since I would not be home until after 9pm. That got me to the gate at 9 minutes before my flight. SWA gave my seat away (even though I had a boarding pass) and I was stuck. I spent 8.5 hours at the airport before I got a flight to Lubbock, TX, where I got 4 hours sleep, woke up early, flew to Dallas and got to work a mere 5 minutes late. I was so tired I thought I was going to die.

Lesson learned: skip the fries

"My focus three days old. "

Although from late Saturday till I got home Monday night kinda sucked, the trip was well worth it. It was good seeing old friends and making one new one. I gained some valuable experience and yes, I learned some lessons. Although I made some bad decisions, I think that all told, I made many more good ones. I didnt get dealt particularly good hands and I survived some bad beats. I came back with money in my pocket and a desire to come back. Next time, I win. Oh, and in case you didn't know, it's Jane's Addiction.

(2) comments

Posted by Johnnymac 10:03 PM

Another email just went out for the Satellite Series. Entries aren't coming in as fast as they were when we first announced, but I'm still getting 1-2 per day. If you are interested in playing, click on the blinking banner to the left. If you want to get on the distribution list for future emails, send an email to johnnymac -at-

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Tuesday, April 05, 2005

Posted by Junelli 5:03 PM
This isn't a poker post, but I thought it worthy and interesting nonetheless.

My good friend Tim Herman is Lance Armstrong's personal attorney, and is currently representing him on various matters. Tim was scheduled to come with us to Vegas until one of the cases had a "development" last week. On Thursday, Lance's former assistant (currently suing Armstrong) made allegations about Lance using steroids.

The article outlining Lance's (and Tim's) response is quite comical. It contains some good soundbites from the Armstrong camp.

(4) comments

Posted by Junelli 3:21 PM
Texas Casino Amendment Closer to Vote
March 29, 2005

TEXAS – As reported by the Midland Reporter-Telegram: "A proposed state constitutional amendment that could bring a casino to the Permian Basin is being considered in the House Ways and Means Committee in Austin and will probably come to a House floor vote within two weeks, one of the sponsors told the Reporter-Telegram Monday.

"When asked how close proponents are to the necessary 100 votes to put it on the statewide ballot Nov. 1, Rep. Charlie Geren, R-Fort Worth, said, 'Pretty close. We're not there yet, but we're getting closer.'

"Similar to a bill filed by Sen. Rodney Ellis, D-Houston, Geren's bill and one sought by Rep. Kino Flores, D-Mission, would combine the state horse racing and lottery commissions into the new Texas Gaming Commission, which could issue licenses for 12 casinos in the state.

"A difference between the House and Senate proposals is that the Geren-Flores measure would let horse racing tracks apply for their own casino licenses and install video lottery terminals showing dog and horse races around the country…"

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Posted by Junelli 2:22 PM
Here is a website that lists all the legal poker rooms around the country.

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Posted by Junelli 12:36 PM
Here is my post for the first night in Vegas.

Morris and I arrived in Vegas on Wednesday evening. I wanted to get up there before everyone else because I needed to get a good uninterrupted session of poker under my belt before everyone else arrived. We went straight to the Bellagio with the intention of playing all night (we didn't have a hotel room Wednesday night).

The poker room at the Bellagio is currently being renovated, so they've created a new poker room adjacent to the construction (where the slot machines once sat). The new room is huge and had over 40 tables. The spread games were: 4-8, 8-16, 20-40, 2-5 NL, 10-20 NL, 30-60 Stud, and 80-160. There was also a high roller game of HORSE where each player had several hundred grand on the table. I didn't play that one... The room was packed all weekend, but the wait times weren't too long (less than 1 hour at all times). The $2-$5 NL had at least 5-6 full tables.

Morris and I sat down at the 2-5 NL game, and immediately slayed it. The players were very loose and generally passive. I got to see lots of free cards giving me plenty of opportunity to make my hands. More importantly however, you could fully expect to get paid off when you made your hand. I never got busted and was rolling from the start. After about 2 hours I was moved to the main game with about $900 (a $700 profit). One kid at the table had $3,700 in front of him which is quite remarkable for a $200 maximum buy-in game. He said he had been playing for 24 straight hours, and the fatigue clearly showed on him.

I doubled through him with AA in early position. I raised to $25 preflop and he smooth called (along with 2 others). The flop was T52 rainbow, and I began to set my trap. I led out with an underbet of $20, hoping to get raised (remember the pot was already $100). The chip leader took the bait and raised me to $120. The other 2 players folded, and I reraised making it $250 to go. He smooth called. The turn was a blank, and I immediately went all-in for $425. He went into the tank for about 2 minutes before finally calling with AT (top pair top kicker). My aces held up on the river and I took the huge $1,450 pot. Realizing that he was tired and making mistakes, he immediately cashed out and went home.

In all, we played for about 4 hours and I cashed out with a very nice profit of $1,881.

It was 12:30 am and we went to get something to eat at the Alladin. We also tried to get a hotel room, and unsuccessfully called 20 different hotels. Every one of them was booked solid. We had to stay up all night.

At 2am we went over to check out the new poker room at the MGM. It was very nice. The tables were top quality, and the room is extremely spacious. My only complaint was that the poker room is located directly next to a club, and the music was very loud. At certain points you couldn't hear people talking at the table because of the noise. The MGM spread some low limit games and 2 different NL games: $1-$2 NL (with a $100 max buy-in), and $2-$5 NL (with a $100-$500 buy-in). I played the $2-$5 game, and Morris played the $1-$2 game.

I bought in for $500 and was clearly the short-stack at the table. Seat 10 had over $2,000 and several other players had $1,200-$1,600. Only 1 or 2 had $500 or less. I played very tight and just folded for a couple of hours. I never really got any cards, but was able to bluff and pick a few pots (enough pots to pay for my blinds, drinks, etc.).

I do remember a fairly hot chick sitting directly to my left. She was a very solid player and had about $1,200 in chips. She kept talking trash to some of the other guys calling them "old men" and "girls". She would raise and immediately tell them to "fold like a girl" and that "they couldn't call that bet because they were scared." It was quite comical and everyone liked her.

Later she mixed it up with another big chip stack. She led out with a $50 bet on the flop. The guy to my right raised her to $200. She thought about it for a pretty good while and then asked if she "could see one card". He didn't answer. She reraised him to $400. He pondered for about 30 seconds and smooth called. The turn came out and she went all-in for about $950. He went into the tank and she started needling him: "You can't call that. It's too much money. Go ahead and run like a little girl." He laughed but kept thinking. She finally said, "If you muck I'll show you my hand." 30 seconds later he folded. She immediately threw her hand into the muck and said "I lied!" I thought it was hilarious that this chick had such balls.

I really can't remember how I got busted out because I was too tired and drunk. Guess I should've stopped playing much earlier.

Morris was still playing so I went over to the blackjack tables. I lost $400 in 1 shoe. I went back to the poker room and Morris was up about $400. We still had about an hour or 2 to kill before we could check in so I bought into the $1-$2 game. Mistake. I was so bored with that game, and after playing for such big stakes on the other table, this one seemed like amateur hour. No one had any money, and a single $10 preflop raise usually bought the pot. I felt like Mikey and Vince in Swingers when they ended up at the $5 minimum blackjack table where people were hitting 19's. I played 20 hands and just couldn't take it anymore. I cashed out down $48, but still up over $800 for the night.

I convinced Morris to head over to the Bellagio. We checked in at 9am and crashed for a few hours. Day two next time...

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Monday, April 04, 2005

Posted by Junelli 2:09 PM
We returned yesterday from Vegas. It was an incredible trip, but I'm so exhausted I can hardly stand up. It's gonna take me awhile to recover.

I plan on writing a more in-depth post later, including stories about playing at the same table with David Sklansky and Jimmy Tran.

Total loss for the weekend -$1,375. However, in poker ring games I was +344 for the weekend. Not too bad considering I spent most of my time playing against the pros in the big $10-$20 NL game at the Bellagio. Of my $1,379 loss, 86% (or -$1,189) came from playing the sucker games like blackjack, roulette and craps.

Here's a log of what happened. The stories will follow later:

2-5 NL (Bellagio) +1,881
2-5 NL (MGM) -499
Blackjack (MGM) -400
1-2 NL (MGM) -48
Daily Total +884

Roulette (Binions) -200
1-2 NL (Binions) +160
10-20 NL (Bellagio) -1500
2-5 NL (Bellagio) -200
Daily Total -1,740

Blackjack (Bellagio) -300
NL Tournament (Bellagio) -330
Blackjack (Ceasars) -400
Blackjack (Bellagio) +200
20% in Friou -200
2-5 NL Bellagio +180
Craps Binions -200
Blackjack (Golden Nugget) +1,111
10-20 NL (Bellagio) +420
Daily Total +481

Craps (Palms) -200
Blackjack (Palms) -600
Roulette (Palms) -200
Daily Total -1000

Total Gambling P/L: -1,375

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Sunday, April 03, 2005

Posted by Johnnymac 7:25 PM
So I am back from New Orleans. Fro text messaged me a couple of times from Vegas and I am anxious to hear the full version of the stories.

I played 6-12 limit holdem for about six hours yesterday in New Orleans and was reminded just how utterly boring and mechanical it is, and, relatively speaking, how easy it is to win money - I got down early and just patiently waited and ground right back up to a decent profit. It wasn't much but it was enough to pay for most of my portion of the trip, so I can't complain.

My favorite line of the weekend (at least the poker part of it) came from the guy sitting next to me who was quite bothered when he made top pair with his A4 offsuit but was outkicked by another player holding AK who had raised him preflop and had position on him. He watched the dealer push the chips to the other player and then turned to me and said sincerely, "Man, I hate kickers. It takes all of the fun out of being dealt a good hand."

I just shook my head and told him "It's always fun to play poker!" But I left out the "with people who call raises out of position with ace-four" part because I didn't want to run him off. Mike Caro would have been so proud of me.

Otherwise the trip was good. That poker room is a madhouse - at 2:30am on Saturday morning all 22 tables were full, the lists for every one of the games were at least 10 deep and even the list for the the $5-5 no limit game had forty-four names on it. I didn't even put my name down, I just went and had another
"last" beer and then went to bed. Crazy.

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Friday, April 01, 2005

Posted by Johnnymac 9:59 AM
I will be leaving shortly for my weekend trip to New Orleans. Fro and Junell are already in Vegas, so no one will be here until sometime on Sunday night. I wish all of those guys luck in the big Bellagio tournament tonight and I hope I have a little luck myself at Harrah's in New Orleans over the weekend (though I wish they had a tournament tonight or tomorrow...) I'm sure there will be plenty of updates on Sunday night and Monday as we all get back to town.

There are still ~ 60 spaces left in the WSOP series, too. Go go sign up if you haven't done so yet. It's going to fill up and it's going to be a whole lot of fun.

Have a good weekend.

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Random thoughts from a lawyer, an accountant, a commodities trader, an ex-Marine and a WSOP Main Event money finisher that don't know as much as they wish they did...



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Why isn't it gambling?


09/01/2003 - 09/30/2003
10/01/2003 - 10/31/2003
11/01/2003 - 11/30/2003
12/01/2003 - 12/31/2003
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08/01/2004 - 08/31/2004
09/01/2004 - 09/30/2004
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08/01/2006 - 08/31/2006
09/01/2006 - 09/30/2006

The Doctor is IN

Dr Fro
aka "slow roller"

Which one is the fish?

aka "Sunday Stroller"

I too, like to live dangerously.

Johnny Mac
aka "Nice Tie!"

You got to know when to hold em;  Know when to Mo' em ...

aka "Mo roller"

Please don't call with J-9off

aka "Padawan Learner"

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